Explore the vibrant world of Estevan Dubrisingh Garcia, a Mexican/Trinbagonian artist whose work masterfully captures the interplay of color, form, and light.


Estevan Dubrisingh Garcia is a Mexican/Trinbagonian artist based in Trinidad, specializing in painting, sculpting, and printmaking. His work focuses on color, form, and light, often featuring moody skies. Estevan has exhibited in solo and group shows locally and internationally since 2012 and has been a full-time artist since 2015. Highlights include solo exhibitions in Barcelona and New York City and notable commissions. His latest solo exhibition, "Eden," is his first in Trinidad in eight years


Estevan draws inspiration from the interplay of color, form, and light, with a particular fascination for moody skies, which frequently appear in his work. His artistic vision is deeply influenced by the natural beauty of his surroundings in Trinidad, as well as his cultural heritage from both Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago. Estevan's works reflect a blend of personal experiences and a passion for capturing atmospheric conditions and emotive landscapes.


Estevan values artistic expression through the mediums of painting, sculpting, and printmaking, with a strong emphasis on color, form, and light. He is committed to capturing the beauty and emotion of natural scenes, particularly moody skies. Estevan values cultural heritage and the impact of his surroundings in Trinidad on his work. His dedication to his craft is evident in his full-time pursuit of art since 2015 and his continued participation in both local and international exhibition.


graphite, charcoal, chalk, gouache, watercolour, oil, mixed media paintings, and 3d works.